Club Membership Information
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
Prospective members of the Club must be at least 21 years old, U.S. citizens, and sponsored by two current Club members. All applicants for membership must complete a written application and take the range safety class prior to being voted into membership. The purpose of the course is to familiarize prospective members with the layout of the Club, with safety rules, and with the usage rules for each range. The names of prospective members are published to the membership at least one month prior to being voted on at a Board of Directors meeting. Candidates must be approved for membership by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
Currently, Club By-laws limit membership to 1,000, equally divided between Active and Associate memberships. Active members have voting privileges and can serve on the Board of Directors; Associate members do not have voting privileges and cannot serve on the Board.
Active memberships are generally not available directly from the Club; however, Active members can transfer their certificate rights to an individual who must then be approved for membership by the Board of Directors for the transfer to have validity. For the protection of both parties, it is recommended that no funds change hands prior to the approval of the new member at the Board of Directors meeting.
The Associate membership fee is $1,800.00. Active memberships, when available from the Club, have a membership fee of $3,600.00. Annual dues for both types of memberships are $600.00, payable in full on April 1 each year. Based on the present number of applications on our waiting list, there is a projected wait of approximated 20 to 24 months for an Associate membership.
Members and spouses who have not taken the range safety course may use the ranges only as a supervised guest of a member who has taken the course. A member’s spouse and dependent children age 18 or older can use the ranges without the presence of the member if they have taken the range safety course. Range safety qualified members and spouses can bring guests to the Club; dependent children cannot. All guests must be accompanied by a range-qualified member or spouse while using any range. Members are responsible for the conduct of their family members and guests at all times they are on Club property.
For more information on how to become a member, please email the Membership Chairman.
Mailing Address :
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
7039 Signal Hill Rd.
Manassas, Va. 20111
Phone Number :
(703) 368 – 6333
Email Contact
[email protected]