High Power Silhouette Match – 03/03/2022
This was the first match of the season. It was the perfect day for a match; mostly calm, warm, and a lot of competitors were in attendance. Eight shooters came and most did their average and above in the match. Steve Engel won both the Standard and Hunting category. Tyler Camp won the AR category using his AUG. Kelly Engel (Steve’s daughter) won 1st AA in Standard rifle with a 23×40 and Joe Iacabucci took 1st AA in Hunting Rifle with a 21×40.
Anyone who might be interested in shooting these monthly matches, contact the match director, Roger Estes, at the email listed. Our high power matches run on the 1st Sunday of every month from March – October. Come on and shoot with us. You’ll enjoy yourself.
Roger Estes