Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
Safety at the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is the primary responsibility of every member, family member, and guest. Absolute adherence to our safety rules is expected at all times. Shooting safety is achieved by following the Four Rules of Gun Safety and the rules set forth within the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club’s Range Rules.
A key element of safety at the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is the Range Safety Orientation (RSO) class, held on the first Saturday of every month. (Two months of the year they are held on Sundays; search Calendar for specific dates.) The RSO class is required for all club members and is a good idea for everyone else who enjoys our club, in leagues, as family members, or guests. When attending the RSO, wear comfortable shoes, have hearing and eye protection, a notebook and a pen, and bring your full attention!
Safe Shooting and See You on the Range!
Ted Bradford, Safety Chairman ([email protected])
Members are reminded that range etiquette is important and an essential component of all members being Range Safety Officers. As a reminder, police your firing points, pick up brass, chairs and benches moved should be placed back into position. Make sure you are firing on CLUB TARGETS, not a target someone else has brought to the range. Ask if unsure. If you need to go down range, politely ask for a ceasefire instead of just turning on the lights and announcing you are going down range. Be familiar with, and follow, all the range rules for the range you are shooting on. Ensure everyone is back before resuming your course of fire. And finally, remember club members have priority over guests.
The photograph below describes the entrance to the club from Signal Hill Rd (yellow highlight). You must yield when entering or stop when leaving the club (green highlight). Don’t have an easily avoidable accident at this intersection.
Mailing Address :
Fairfax Rod & Gun Club, Inc.
7039 Signal Hill Rd.
Manassas, Va. 20111
Phone Number :
(703) 368 – 6333
Email Contact
[email protected]
Ear Virginia at FXRGC January 5th
Range Etiquette
Range Rules Updated