Legislative Affairs Committee Update
The Virginia Assembly Special Session since starting 18 AUG. As reported earlier, there are three bills of interest to the Second Amendment community. Those Bills, a summary, and their progress are as follows:
- HB5020 – Local control of firearms; concealed handgun permit. Provides that any local ordinances that prohibit the possession, carrying, or transportation of any firearms, ammunition, or components or combination shall not apply to a person who has a valid concealed handgun permit.
- This Bill has been sent to the Committee on Public Safety for consideration. No action on it for the last few days
- SB5041 – Concealed handgun permits; demonstration of competence; effective date. Amends the delayed enactment clause for Chapter 390 and the delayed enactment clause for Chapter 1130 of the Acts of Assembly of 2020 so that the provisions of such chapters will take effect on January 1, 2022, instead of January 1, 2021. The bill has an emergency clause.
- This Bill has cleared the Judiciary Committee and the Amendments have been reconciled, 34-0. It appears to be ready to be sent to the House for consideration.
- HB5024 – Firearm sales; criminal history record information check; penalty. Eliminates the Class 1 misdemeanor penalty for a person who purchases a firearm from another person without obtaining the required criminal history record information check. The bill also eliminates the question on the form provided to a firearm dealer by the Department of State Police asking whether a prospective purchaser of a firearm has ever been the subject of a mental health temporary detention order and subsequently agreed to a voluntary admission.
- This Bill is in the Committee on Public Safety for consideration. No action on it for the last week.
If any of thee three bills interest to you, it is important for you to contact your state senator and delegate with your thoughts promptly. Things are moving fast in Richmond. Both emails and phone calls work.
Not sure who your state representatives are? Find out through this link. https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/
Thanks from Your Friendly Neighborhood FRGC Legislative Affairs Committee.