Important Notices
- Dues notices are in the mail. You should see them soon. You can pay your dues online by clicking here
- Take the mandatory Annual Range Orientation Refresher by clicking here
- Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 9, 2025. Club will switch to summer hours.
Upcoming Club Events
- Spring Dinner & BOD Installation March 29th, 5pm-9pm
Swapmeet May 28, 2023
The second swapmeet of 2023 is to be held on May 28. I am taking taking table reservations and looking forward to having a fun event. As usual setup for tableholders is set for 8:00AM with the opening of the doors to members and their guests at 9:00AM. Sent your table request to Bob Paiani, […]
STEVE SULZER’S VIRGINIA LOSD COURSE IS RETURNING TO FRGC! With the pandemic largely behind us, attorney and club member Steve Sulzer is pleased to announce that he is resuming presentation of his Virginia LOSD Course (THE LEGAL USE OF FIREARMS FOR SELF-DEFENSE IN VIRGINIA – WHEN THE DEFENSIVE USE OF FIREARMS IS PERMISSIBLE AND HOW […]
Results of the April 29th Rimfire Ram Bash
After a few hiccups with the gate the rain did finally stopped for a great shoot. We had an excellent group of 22shooters with George Harris and Chris Defransici helping me run the match which I needed. There was an unbelievable three way tie for top shooter with a fine score of 34 with Chris […]
CANCELLED – Porasky Range Work & Shoot
The Porasky Range clean up and shoot scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled due to weather. We will let everyone know when this is rescheduled.
IDPA May 2023 Match Announcement
My fellow shooters, it is that time of year again, to break out your blasters and defeat the empire (or join them if you wish). Please note the May match has been moved up by one week to free up your Memorial Day weekend. The match will now be May 20! Registration is now open. The […]
Lea Valley Closed April 24, 2023
Lea Valley Range will be closed April 24, 2023 for maintenance and repairs.
Porasky Range Work & Shoot
To all Red Badge holders, Action Pistol, and Running Deer competitors (and those who are curious, and/or interested in trying “our game”!!): We need your help in a Spring Cleaning, and general “Tidying up” of our special range on 29 April at 0900 (Civilians need not arrive until (9:00 AM). We will be blowing leaves […]
2023-04 2-Gun Action Challenge Match Announcement
The match registration for the April 2023 2-Gun Action Challenge Match at Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is live. This will be a four stage, two squad match with AM and PM squads. Link to stage descriptions below. There will be one stage where more than two rifle/PCC mags could come in handy! Make sure […]