Important Notices
- Dues notices are in the mail. You should see them soon. You can pay your dues online by clicking here
- Take the mandatory Annual Range Orientation Refresher by clicking here
- Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 9, 2025. Club will switch to summer hours.
Upcoming Club Events
- Spring Dinner & BOD Installation March 29th, 5pm-9pm
Civilian Marksmanship Program Marksmanship 101
Fairfax Rod and Gun Club, in conjunction wit the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), is pleased to announce the opportunity for some superb training in June, 2022. CMP will be conducting Marksmanship 101 for both service rifle and service pistol as well as a Range Officer course, June 18 and 19, 2022 at the club in […]
War Rifle Match & Egg Shoot, January 16, 2022
The War Rifle match was an outstanding success! The day was cold, COLD, running between 15-20 degrees the entire day! Last night I commented to a friend that the match is set in winter to show people that they CAN focus in the worst of times. My friend replied that I did a great job […]
Swap Meet February 27, 2022
You asked…we responded! The swapmeet committee received numerous requests to add a 4th, and early season swapmeet to the calendar. The first swapmeet of the year is about a month away, Sunday February 27, from 9:00 – noon and the swapmeet committee is now taking table reservations. Send an e-mail to Bob Paiani ([email protected]) to […]
SAWS 2022 Week 3 16 Jan Postponed
Captains: Given the winter storm warning commences at 1300 tomorrow we are postponing the league. I will send out a new schedule shortly. Please remember there is no league next week because of the annual meeting. Thank you and be safe. v/r, John
Sunday Jan 16 War Rifle Match Status
Hi All – I have been receiving notices today about canceling the match on Sunday. I really don’t want to do that because contrary to the notifications I’ve received from a few people, my weather notification that I use, (Weather Bug) continues to declare that snow will not arrive on Sunday until 1 p.m. Now, […]
January 2022 Bulletin
Long-time and Honorary Club Member Jim “Horse” Smith Passed Away
We have been notified long-time and Honorary Club member Jim “Horse” Smith passed away peacefully Monday, January 3rd. Jim celebrated his 101st birthday last month, joined the Club in 1998 and was bestowed Honorary membership status with the Club in 2014. Jim served with Edson’s Raiders, the 1st Marine Raider Battalion in WWII in the Pacific theater […]
Club Status Update Jan 6, 2022
Jamie reports that the power line on Porasky has been repaired, and Porasky is now open for business. All lower ranges are open, as well as the shotgun fields. Be cautious as there may be icy areas on the roads and sidewalks.