Important Notices
- Dues notices are in the mail. You should see them soon. You can pay your dues online by clicking here
- Take the mandatory Annual Range Orientation Refresher by clicking here
- Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 9, 2025. Club will switch to summer hours.
Upcoming Club Events
- Spring Dinner & BOD Installation March 29th, 5pm-9pm
July 25, 2021 Bud Meyer Black Powder Silhouette Shoot
Weather was nice, somewhat overcast and a bit humid. Got a lot hotter and humid later in the afternoon, but we were done by then. 12 shooters turned out for the match, we welcomed back Skip and Owen. We had a nice, laid back match and had three round ball shooters this time. First prize […]
July 2021 IDPA Match Results
We held our monthly IDPA match on July 17, 2021. This was a five stage match, with four morning and four afternoon squads. We had a total of 85 shooters participate in the match – with 35% Club member participation. Social distancing was maintained to the best of our abilities. The weather was hot – […]
July 2021 Bulletin
2021-2022 FXRGC Deer Management Program REMINDER
Smallbore Silhouette Match – July 11, 2021
Another great day to shoot. Yes, it was in the low 90’s temperature, but no rain, hail, wind, excessive mirage, etc., so the day was nearly perfect to shoot in. The scores show this as well, especially in the classes of B & A class. Standard Rifle B Class winner was Randy Fricks with a […]
High Power Silhouette Match 07/04/21
My apologies for the lateness of this bulletin as well as the chart. My wife and working on our house to move and things just get pushed back, then suddenly a week has gone by and its time for the next match. So here we are. This match was on July 4th. We decided to […]
July 2021 2G-ACM Match Announcement
Folks, The match registration for the July 2-Gun Action Challenge Match at Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is live. Go here to register on PractiScore: NOTES: Make sure you have a proper pistol holster. Your pistol must fit securely, and it must fully cover the trigger guard. If a pistol falls out of your […]
Fairfax Rod and Gun Foundation Donation
Supporting youth participation in the shooting sports, Fairfax Rod and Gun Foundation awarded $1,120.00 to Fairfax Rod & Gun Club’s upcoming Bull Run Open. This donation will help cover costs for youth participants in this event. Fairfax Rod & Gun Foundation continues to fund purposeful youth shooting sport events, and scholarships, and has done so […]