Important Notices
- Dues notices are in the mail. You should see them soon. You can pay your dues online by clicking here
- Take the mandatory Annual Range Orientation Refresher by clicking here
- Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 9, 2025. Club will switch to summer hours.
Upcoming Club Events
- Spring Dinner & BOD Installation March 29th, 5pm-9pm
Ram Bash September 26, 2020 Results
The sixth Ram Bash of 2020 was held on Saturday September 26. The weather was a bit damp to start with and overcast for rest of the match. The temperature started out in the 60’s and was almost to 70 by the end of the match. Twenty-one shooters showed up for the match. The brownies were […]
Action Pistol Clinic October 11, 2020
This will be the final clinic of the year and will be in a small group setting with a low round-count. This training will take place entirely on the range and address drawing, firing and reloading a handgun. Participants need to understand the basics of loading, drawing and firing a pistol. In addition, they must […]
Legislative Affairs Committee Update
Here’s this week’s update from your Friendly Neighborhood Legislative Affairs Committee. In this note, although there is not much to report.: Legislative Updates Finding Your elected representatives, both State and Federal VCDL Lobby Day 1. Legislative Updates There has been some progress on the 2A bills of interest. Their progress is as follows: HB5020 – […]
September 2020 Bud Meyer Black Powder Silhouette Shoot
A nice day but started out a bit crisp with low temperatures. We had 12 competitors and two new shooters for this event. We missed a number of our regulars, hope to see everyone at the October shoot. Thanks to all for helping with the targets and to Mike Moss who did the prize shopping […]
Pro Shop RFP Sep. 2020
Members, the Pro Shop has been run by the current vendor for 7 years and to ensure best value and best service to the Club we are re-competing this contract. This is an open Request for Proposal (RFP), please see Pro Shop RFP – September 19 2020 – FINAL.pdf for the RFP. Our current Proprietor […]
Honorary Member Bill Wise
We have just been notified that Honorary member Bill Wise passed away in his sleep last night. Bill is known to many in the Club, and has been an active part of our Club family for almost 30 years. Bill served as Treasurer from 1991 – 1994, Vice President in 1995, President 1995 – 1997, […]
Legislative Affairs Committee Update
Here’s this week’s update from your Friendly Neighborhood Legislative Affairs Committee. In this note: Legislative Updates Fairfax County Hearing on Gun Control Results Finding Your elected representatives, both State and Federal VCDL Lobby Day 1. Legislative Updates There has been some progress on the 2A bills of interest. Their progress is as follows: HB5020 – […]
Club Range Rules Updated
The Club’s Range Rules have been updated (fixed some typos). Updates are available here. Updated hard copy quick rules will be available at the clubhouse shortly.