July Bud Meyer Black Powder Silhouette Shoot


Another beautiful day.  Thanks to Doug Crowe for getting the tire fixed.  We had a nice turn-out of 12 shooters.

We had a three-way tie for first place.  Jan Herman managed to hit one more Bear than Bob Bloyer (highest score shooting a round ball we’ve seen in a long time) and Bob hit one more Bear than Doug Crowe (who finally got his sights properly adjusted!).

Fred Lewis edged out Mike Moss for 7th hitting more Bears than Mike.  Fred said he made too many shots at the turned Ground Hog which lowered his score.  Jim Boring managed to take out the edge-wise Ground Hog with a hit to the one next to it, dropping them both.

As usual, thanks to Corinne for doing the prize shopping!

Next shoot is August 18th!  See you there!

Shooter Score
Jan Herman 23
Bob Bloyer 23
Doug Crowe 23
John Wenchel 22
Chris De Francisci 18
Jim Boring 18
Fred Lewis 15
Mike Moss 15
Craig Goheen 12
Corinne Huffman 9
Al Short 4
Steve Prince DNF