The Running Deer range is open
Second Sunday April – October*
9am – 1pm
$10.00 for 10 shots
Note: No magnums
Questions? Text or call Howard 571-236-8986
*Except Sept. 24
The “Running Game” Game…
Has shooting stationary targets with your rifle gotten boring? Does your favorite hunting rifle miss you in the off-season? Would you like to shoot it more than 5-10 rounds a year? If your answer is “yes” to any of the above, the Running Game matches are for you!!
Many shooters are unaware that a running target match was part of the Olympic competition lineup until 2004. Ever heard of Adam Saathoff? He was the last American to medal in this sport at the 2002 World Championship with a Bronze. Four years prior he earned a Silver at the 1998 World Championship.
Our club has a running game facility to practice this fun event, with monthly matches held from the Spring, into the Fall. The running game match is part of the annual “club match” held with our Fall Festival. The match format we use at Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is resembles the original running target event shot at 50 meters – I bet you didn’t know that our club has the only running game facility within 200 miles. Any center fire rifle .22 or larger, up to .50 (except .50 BMG!!) is welcome. .22 rimfires can also be used (you’ll learn a lot about the importance of leading the target with a .22!!).
The match goes like this: the shooter loads their rifle and calls for the target. The deer target “runs” from right to left for approximately 5-7 seconds, presenting itself for one shot. The shooter then calls for the target, and it will “run” left to right for about the same time. After the second shot, the target is scored by the pit crew, and shot location and value is provided to the shooter. Hits on the deer range in value from 1 to 5 points. The “cycle” is fired 5 times per shooter for a “possible” score of 50. A “possible” is possible, but has proven itself impossible for most everyone!
The cost of the match is less than the cost of two fancy coffees at Starbucks ($10) and doesn’t take all day, or even all morning. Many of us will shoot “the course” (10 shots) a 2nd or even a third time to shake loose some of the “rust” from month to month, in vain attempts to post a respectable score… and to retain some element of self respect!
You can easily shoot the match, and head home to attack your “honey-do” list for the afternoon, this isn’t a big time commitment. Most of us head to the canteen, and regale Van with stories of our hits, while conveniently forgetting our misses. I almost forgot a most important detail for those looking to “strike it rich”… The high shooter shares the pot with the club.
For the July 2022 Club match, 5 shooters volunteered to “do battle” against the challenge of the running deer target. Howard Greenhouse was top shooter with his trusty .308, shooting a 34. Two shooters (John E and Raffy) tied for 2nd place with a pair of 32s. Ashly Palles posted a 29 for third place, narrowly nudging out Jim H’s 28.
If this sounds like fun, or you think you can shoot that elusive “possible” score, then come on out and join us. The running game match is the most fun and addictive event you can participate in that won’t show up on a drug test…
High Power Rifle Silhouette Match – 06/6/2021
Match day was hot this time. Eventually about 94 degrees. No wind, lots of mirage. But still, scores were pretty fair most with AR15 rifles. Only two competed using silhouette rifles – Hartwell Stoneham and Walt Ivanjack. Hartwell won with a 15×40. The ending of the AR match was a fine display of sportsmanship by […]
Silhouette Shooting Class June 13, 2021
Next silhouette class, outdoors this time: June 13, following the smallbore silhouette match that day, 2 p.m. bring your smallbore rifle and ammo if you like or shoot some of ours. This is a class at the Lea Valley Range for the purposes of showing the game of silhouette shooting and how to shoot it. […]
May 2021 Bud Meyer Black Powder Silhouette Shoot
It was a dark, dreary, rainy day. Well, not really. It was overcast and the light was low for the morning, but no rain, temperature was milder than we’ve had the past week, but not bad. Overall a nice pleasant day. 10 intrepid shooters showed for the Memorial Day Silhouette shoot. Some of us dragged […]